By selecting another cloud service for the save destination and selecting again the cloud service you want to save images to, you will be required to sign in the cloud service again. By doing so, you can use another account to sign in the cloud service.
Note: If you have already signed in to the cloud service in your web browser, sign out from the service before following the procedure below.
The following procedure shows how to change a OneDrive account to another account using ScanSnap Home for Windows as an example. The same procedure is applicable for other cloud services and ScanSnap Home for macOS.
[Common Procedure]
- Start ScanSnap Home.
Note: For details, refer to "How can I start ScanSnap Home?".
- Click the [Scan] button in the upper-left corner of the window to display the [ScanSnap Home - Scan] window.
- Click the [Edit profiles]
button in the top right corner of the window to display the [Edit profiles] window.
Perform the following procedure that is appropriate for your setting.
(1) Procedure for [Scan to Cloud] profile
- Select the [Scan to Cloud] profile.
Note: The profile name may be "Send to ScanSnap Cloud".
If neither profile exists, select the profile where [Cloud Service] is set to the cloud service you want to change the account, as shown in the following image.
- Select [Automatically detects the document type as "Documents", "Business Cards", "Receipts", or "Photos" and scans the document with the appropriate scan settings] for [Document type detection].
- Check the setting for [Cloud Service] in each of the [Documents] tab, [Business Cards] tab, [Receipts] tab, and [Photos] tab.
- [Cloud Service] is set to OneDrive, the cloud service you want to change the account, in the [Documents] tab and the [Photos] tab. Click the [Select] button to change the cloud service to another one in the [Documents] and [Photos] tabs.
In this procedure, change it to "GoogleDrive" as an example.
- Make sure that [Cloud Service] is set to a cloud service other than "OneDrive" in the [Documents] tab, [Business Cards] tab, [Receipts] tab, and [Photos] tab.
- Select [Scans with the same settings without detecting the document type from "Documents", "Business Cards", "Receipts", or "Photos"] for [Document type detection].
- In the [Do not detect] tab, make sure if [Cloud Service] is set to the cloud service you want to change the account .
- [Cloud Service] is set to "OneDrive". Click the [Select] button to change the cloud service to another one.
In this procedure, change it to "GoogleDrive" as an example.
Make sure that [Cloud Service] is set to a cloud service other than "OneDrive" in the [Do not detect] tab.
If you are using iX100/iX500/iX1300, proceed to 10.
(2) Procedure for [OneDrive] profile setting (iX1600/iX1500 only)-
If there is another cloud profile where [Cloud Service] is set to "OneDrive", click the [Select] button to change the cloud service to another one.
In this procedure, change it to "Google Drive" as an example.
- Make sure that [Cloud Service] is changed to a cloud service other than "OneDrive".
Note: If there are other cloud profiles in which [Cloud Service] is set to "OneDrive", change the setting for [Cloud Service] in the same procedure.
After changing the setting for [Cloud Service] to a cloud service other than "OneDrive" in all cloud profiles, press the [Select] button again and select "OneDrive" to set the OneDrive account to be linked.
If the window for setting an account does not appear, open the cloud service window in your Web browser, sign out, and try the above procedure again.