ScanSnap Home / ScanSnap Cloud
- My USB-connected scanner will not start a scan (ScanSnap Home).
- ScanSnap Home shows the message "the maximum number of licenses has already been used" during installation.
- How to Use ScanSnap Home on macOS: Displaying My Favorite Contents and Merging Pages
- How can I transfer ScanSnap Home data to a new computer?
- Initial Setup of ScanSnap iX1600 and Installation of ScanSnap Home (For macOS)
- How do I create double page spread image by merging two pages?
- How to Use ScanSnap Home - Adding Profiles
- How do I create a ScanSnap account and configure the settings for establishing a link via ScanSnap Cloud?
- I scanned a document that is folded in half, but the pages were not automatically merged or displayed as a double-page spread image.
- How can I display only the target user's profile on the touch panel of iX1600/iX1500?
- How can I check the remaining battery power of the iX100?
- Procedures for Modifying the ScanSnap Cloud Settings
- Is there a way to scan large documents such as A3, B4, and double letter sizes?
- How do I change the email address or password for my ScanSnap account.
- How can I use another account for the cloud service (such as OneDrive) specified for ScanSnap Cloud?
- Can I import exported content data records between Windows and macOS?
- How can I scan multiple receipts and save them as a single PDF file?
- No cloud profiles are displayed on the touch panel of iX1600/iX1500.
- Why does my ScanSnap keep scanning both sides even after changing to [Simplex] on the Scan window
- How can I switch Simplex Scan/Duplex Scan?
- iX1600/iX1500 will not start scanning with the error message "The device is not responding." displayed on the touch panel
- How can I start up ScanSnap Home automatically?
- How can I change or check the color for the profile icons?
- How can I change the color of a profile for a cloud service on ScanSnap Home for iOS/Android?
- How to save scanned images as a single PDF file
- Can I save scanned images to different save destinations every time?
- Scanned images are uploaded to a different cloud service.
- Can I create a text searchable PDF file?
- Images are created with a mix of color/B&W/gray pages.
- The scanned image is incorrectly rotated.