- Size of a document with light color content cannot be recognized properly on some occasions.
- Small dots on a document can be recognized as dust which should be ignored and result in incorrect recognition of image size on some occasions.
Please specify "Carrier Sheet Size (216 x 297 mm)" and scan the document again, and trim the output image to the desired size by PDF editing software such as Adobe® Acrobat® or Kofax® Power PDF.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 or 9:
Navigate to the menu bar > [Tools] > [Advanced Editing] and select [Crop tool] to launch the crop tool. Select an area to crop and double click the area to trim the image.
Adobe® Acrobat® X or Xl:
Navigate to [Tools panel] > [Pages] > [Crop] to launch the crop tool. Select an area to crop and double click the area to trim the image.
Kofax® Power PDF:
Navigate to the menu bar > [Edit] > [Crop] to launch the crop tool. Select an area to crop and double click the area to trim the image.
When you specify "Carrier Sheet Size (216 x 297 mm)" in the [Carrier Sheet Settings], an entire image of the A3 carrier sheet will be output.