- Cannot sign in Google Drive via ScanSnap Cloud
- I cannot save scanned images to Dropbox with B11Cg037 via ScanSnap Cloud.
- An "Error in optical system." message is displayed.
- The size of scanned image is different from the size of original document.
- ScanSnap Home is stuck in the [Scanning] status. ScanSnap Manager or ScanSnap Organizer will not start. (For Trend-Micro product users)
- I found PDF images are blurred.
- Profiles are not displayed on the touch screen.
- The ScanSnap does not turn on.
- I don't know where images are saved.
- Unable to connect to ScanSnap Cloud so images cannot be saved.
- The colors in the image are strange.
- Unable to merge pages.
- Vertical streaks appear in the image.
- Documents are not being fed smoothly./There is a paper jam.
- An orange exclamation mark is shown on the Scan button.
- A red exclamation mark is shown on the Scan button.
- Documents are not scanned.
- The iX100 does not switch to Direct Connect mode automatically.
- What should I do when firmware update fails in the middle of the process?
- Why does Keychain Access want to access the information stored in my keychain when I start ScanSnap Manager (For Mac)?
- Are there any hints to modify the scanned image of a book nicely?
- How can I clean my scanner for disinfection?
- Existing profiles disappeared from the touch screen (after I connected a computer where ScanSnap Manager is installed).
- I cannot correct the distortion or split the pages of an image scanned with ScanSnap SV600 on Book Image Viewer of ScanSnap Home.
- ScanSnap Home for Mac does not recognize a newly added ScanSnap device. A message is displayed, "Cannot connect to the ScanSnap. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable, and then try again.".
- "An unexpected error occurred..." error appears with ScanSnap Home startup or scanning and cannot be fixed by reinstallation of the application.
- How can I avoid or remove shadows along the edges of scanned images?
- Characters in some messages may corrupt. (for Windows®)
- Installation of Microsoft Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.7 is blocked with the "Blocking Issues" message while installing ScanSnap Home.
- After performing image correction to convert to a B&W image, faint border lines or texts disappear even though they were found at [Book image viewer] or [View cropped images] dialog (color).